GREEN OFFICE DESIGN, that is designing green office space which positively influences the mood of employees, is no longer a whim. Nowadays, we spend majority of our day in the workplace. Therefore, modern technologies and design trends focus on using this time as productively as it is possible, keeping at the same time the maximum comfort of work. Many modern office buildings are constructed in the concept of sustainable construction, and they are equipped with innovative solutions stimulating creativity of employees. One of such solutions may be MOSS GREEN WALL.
There are many solutions on the market, but a green wall covered with Scandinavian moss, so called reindeer lichen, is undoubtedly a smart solution due to its design, health, and acoustic values as well as maintenance-free functioning and low price.
source: private archieve
MOSS GREEN WALL is a natural hygrometer (it maintains stable humidity at the level of 40-50%) and an air filter (it deactivates bacteria and viruses, producing oxygen), additionally, being an effective acoustic insulation.
As confirmed by, among others, research carried out by Alex Haslam, a psychology professor from University of Queensland in Australia, an office decorated with green plants is for employees a signal, that the company cares for them and their good mood. A workplace seems more pleasant and comfortable. Thanks to this simple and relatively cheap solution, every company may improve concentration and satisfaction of persons employed by them, which means increasing their productivity by up to 15%.
Additionally, MOSS GREEN WALL may be created in various frames, from basic, wooden, rectangular ones to biophilic ones. Installations shown in the photos are additionally equipped with led lighting and small loudspeakers with Bluetooth system, which emit so-called background music, e.g. singing birds, the sound of a mountain stream, waterfall, sea etc., which additionally enhances the atmosphere of those places as ones of relaxation and mental relief.
As I mentioned earlier, reindeer lichen lives off moisture in the air, which must be at least at the level of 40%, because the moss starts to dry out at lower value. What is interesting, this humidity level is recommended also for a human being, so the plant will immediately answer the question, whether materials used during construction of the building and ventilation systems are adequate for our health, or maybe we are already “drying out” and don’t know why our mood is so bad.
How is the green wall built?
MOSS GREEN WALL has a one-year warranty and, unlike similar solutions on the market, it does not require costly inspections and maintenance as well as connection to water installation. Classic green walls made of scaffolding systems on which there are pots with soil and plants, connected to water installation require monthly paid inspections related to, among others, the necessity of fertilisation and cutting plants. The costs of such wall are around 3000 PLN/m2 + costs of maintenance. Financial outlay on MOSS GREEN WALLS is around PLN 1900/m2 + additional equipment such as wooden frames, lighting, loudspeaker, etc.
Ask about details!
Andrzej Spoz, R&D department of W.P.I.P.
tel. 506 602 035
source: private archieve